
Experience the power of our services through inspiring testimonials.

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"I discovered the profound benefits of sound bowl sessions in reducing my anxiety. The serene environment and the soothing tones of the sound bowls created a deeply meditative experience, melting away my tension and bringing a sense of inner peace. Regular sessions have transformed my well-being, providing lasting relief and helping me navigate daily challenges with greater resilience."

- Abby


“Photobiomics laser light therapy has been a true blessing in my journey towards restoring gut health. Dealing with gut issues can be incredibly frustrating, but this therapy has given me hope and tangible results. The sessions are painless and convenient, making it easy to incorporate into my routine. The targeted application of laser light has not only provided relief from gut inflammation but has also improved my digestion and overall gut function. I am grateful to have found such an effective and gentle therapy that has brought me closer to a healthier gut and a better quality of life.”

- Alicia

Brain Mapping

“Navigating through multiple diagnoses for our daughter left us unsure of the best course of action. However, we made the decision to pursue brain mapping, which not only provided a solid foundation for treatment but also yielded almost instant improvements. Although her progress gradually slowed over time, the initial positive results gave us a renewed sense of hope and greatly eased the challenges of our daily lives. Despite the financial considerations, opting for brain mapping has proven to be a worthwhile investment, and we are immensely grateful for the support we have received and the significant improvements we have witnessed in our child.”

- Amanda


"Learning about Neurofeedback, I came to RenuYou for ADD issues. I was taking stimulants and still had difficulty focusing on necessary tasks. I would forget or procrastinate chronically and only perform last-minute "necessary" or interesting tasks much of the time, leaving mundane but still necessary chores undone. Although I had done counseling and medication, which were somewhat effective in "managing" my issues, they were still ever-present and pervasive.

After completing 20 sessions, I can now easily focus on mundane chores. I have more energy and have begun exercising regularly for the first time in years. I stopped taking stimulants and reduced other medications, and my mood has improved. My relationship with my spouse has improved. Home life is more organized and more peaceful. I have been able to get more accomplished in my small business and am more patient with my children.

My spouse is pleased that I have a better outlook and have taken charge of more things at home and at work. I am better organized in my small business. I have been able to catch up on bookkeeping, which was a major hurdle, and I have been more attentive to daily tasks. With the help of RenuYou's metabolic treatment, I feel 100% better physically. I have lost 8 lbs in the last 30 days and have improved clarity of mind.

In the future, I fully expect to perform better at work and home and continue improving my physical condition and mental outlook. The therapists at RenuYou have been kind, caring, and competent.

My experience with Neurofeedback has far exceeded my expectations. I highly recommend it for everyone, whether they have similar or completely different issues."

- Amy, who is dealing with Adult ADD


"Sound bowl sessions have been a game-changer for me in dealing with my depression. It's like stepping into a whole other world of tranquility. The mesmerizing tones of the bowls just work their magic, easing the weight off my shoulders and bringing this incredible sense of calm and peace. I can honestly say that incorporating sound bowl sessions into my mental wellness routine has been a life changer, giving me renewed hope, inner serenity, and a much-needed energy boost."

- Angelica


“Normally skeptical of ‘unconventional’ therapies, my skepticism flew away when I met the RenuYou team. The sessions I have experienced, including the alpha theta session, have changed my life, my attitude, my mood, and my perceptions of reality from pain to calm, to pleasure – everything ‘feels’ to have been tremendously IMPROVED, HEALED, and ENHANCED. No negative side-effects! I would especially recommend neurofeedback for veterans with PTSD. I can’t imagine my life, my spiritual growth without it! Thank you!”

- B.W., Retired military fighter pilot who is dealing with Stress-induced Illness


“I completed neurofeedback treatment after a rough few years of depression, anxiety, and physical illness. I finished treatment a couple of months ago. Since then, my mental health has been remarkably balanced and many of my physical maladies (for example, chronic moderate abdominal pain) have stabilized. My productivity in day-to-day life has increased quite a bit as well.

Neurofeedback, particularly the Alpha-Theta component of treatment, helped reduce the control that negative events have on my mental states. I feel more equipped to manage my response to stimuli, even if I can’t control everything that happens to me. After years of various treatments and therapies, this is the treatment I’ll go back to if my physical or mental problems flare again.”

- Charlotte, who is dealing with Stress-induced Illness


“I have been experiencing hip pain, and I got referred by a friend to do photobiomodulation laser light therapy. After several treatments, my hip pain was gone, and I felt like myself again!”

- Chris


“The alpha theta session was an amazing experience. I was able to relax and let go. I was able to recall some memories, resolve issues, and let go. I feel at peace now with less on my mind.”

- Chris, who is dealing with Stress-induced Illness


“They gave me practical recommendations to help me get my health back on track. So grateful for these ladies!”

- Cindy

Talk Therapy

"I came into this therapy with a preconceived notion that it would be like all others that weren't a fit for me because I hadn't had much success with anything else I had tried. The program was different and was perfect for my family and me as I was the one that needed the majority of help. I was on a one-way track to a bad place, and through weekly one on one meetings was able to accomplish small but vital wins on the path to solving my large problem of alcohol abuse. I can't thank RenuYou enough as I have been able to continue the success for the last seven months and much of which has been without regular meetings because of the strong foundation I built with my therapist early on and also by developing sustainable behaviors."

- Crystal, who was dealing with Depression


"Our daughter Ashley has Sensory Integration Disorder. Before doing therapy at RenuYou, Ashely was unable to converse in a clear manner, and it was very hard for her to learn and understand instructions. Her thoughts were very disorganized.

She experienced some improvement with Speech Therapy and Occupational Therapy. Still searching for answers, I found RenuYou on the internet. The therapists at RenuYou were very helpful and professional. After receiving Neurofeedback therapy over a 6-month period, Ashley is more organized, and her speech is clearer as she is better able to organize her thoughts. Ashley is happier in school and does better in her schoolwork. She can also participate in class discussions.

With our family, she participates more now that she can communicate effectively. After doing Neurofeedback, her schoolwork improved dramatically. Because of this, her future academic success is now more certain."

- Cynthia, Mother of Ashley, who is dealing with Sensory Integration Disorder


“Choosing photobiomics laser light therapy to heal my gut has been a fantastic decision. It’s not only effective but also incredibly relaxing. The technicians are skilled, caring, and gentle, creating a comfortable and soothing session. I’m grateful for this non-invasive option to heal my gut and for the supportive environment provided by the therapy and the technicians.”

- Doug


“I am immensely grateful for the significant reduction in my migraines thanks to the remarkable impact of photobiomodulation light therapy. The positive effect it has had on my life is truly remarkable!”

– Emma


"I just had a Women's Health Check Thermography done, and the process itself was thorough and quick. I felt very comfortable and at ease throughout the appointment. The thermography scan provided detailed insights into the heat patterns in my body, highlighting areas of inflammation and hormonal imbalance. The technicians were professional, compassionate and took the time to explain the results in a way that was easy to understand.

What truly impressed me was the holistic approach they took. They didn't just stop at identifying the issues; they provided me with a personalized plan to address the inflammation and relieve my symptoms. The plan included lifestyle modifications, dietary recommendations, and natural supplements to support my body's healing process. It was empowering to have a roadmap to navigate my health journey."

- Gail


“The targeted application of laser light has been instrumental in killing pathogens in my gut, reducing bloating, and promoting a healthier digestive system. I am amazed by the effectiveness of this non-invasive therapy and highly recommend it to anyone seeking relief from gut issues.”

- Isaiah

Talk Therapy

"My name is J. I was going through an extremely dark and lonely stretch of life for a few years. I was abusing alcohol to cope with the stress and turmoil of my daily life. I was fortunate enough to finally meet the love of my life, but my struggles with alcohol continued. At some point, my partner realized she wasn't enough to fix me, and I had to choose vodka or her. I continued to struggle, and thank God she finally said, "I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you, but not like this. You need to make the choice on your own!" She did everything she could to help me and point me in the right direction. That's when we found RenuYou. I started working with the therapists at RenuYou. I met so many amazing people who helped me in so many ways. It absolutely transformed my life, and how I viewed myself and others and gave me a sense of perspective I had long forgotten. I can not thank them enough for the opportunities that were always there in front of me, but I had forgotten they were just right there for my taking! Please, if you struggle with any substance abuse and want your life back, talk to them! They can help you too!!!"

- J, who was dealing with Substance Abuse and Depression


“My son Gabe was diagnosed with Autism at age 3 and is high functioning. We have done Occupational Therapy, which has helped with sensory issues, and Speech Therapy for Speech and play skills. It has been extremely challenging, but with Neurofeedback, Gabe has had remarkable improvements in all areas! His eye contact, conversation, motor skills, speech, anger, and frustration are better, as well as his concentration and focus ability. I am grateful to be able to hold a conversation with my son. He continues to improve more and more as time goes on. He is in mainstream classes and doing well! His progress has brought both of us so much more peace and joy! We are able to enjoy things now that we weren’t able to before. He has better social skills and is able to communicate his needs and wants just fine. I believe Gabe will recover completely.

The therapists at RenuYou are extremely kind, caring, UNDERSTANDING, and wonderful to talk to. They are also very educated. Thank You! We are very blessed to have the RenuYou Center and everyone here.”

- Jeannie, Mother of Gabe, who is dealing with Autism


“I came to the RenuYou Center suffering from depression, anxiety, insomnia, and over-focused ADD. I heard about RenuYou from a television show on Cox.

My generalized anxiety affected everything - anxiety attacks while driving, couldn’t eat in front of others; extreme self-consciousness almost caused me to faint in public. Depression ruined every holiday, keeping me in bed for days. Insomnia was so bad I had been on Ambien CR for over five years, and if I ran out or forgot to take it, I had extreme nightmares.

ADD - I couldn’t stay on task to complete projects but was over focused and obsessive, so I would engage in many repetitive behaviors to calm down. I took prescriptions for anxiety and depression as well. I tried Amberen to help with anxiety and menopause, but it didn’t work. The other prescriptions worked, but I was developing a tolerance - needing larger doses for effectiveness. And I was becoming very addicted.

I did 30 Neurofeedback treatments which cured my anxiety and depression. I was able to get off all medications! I found insomnia a little more difficult, so I added acupuncture and herbal therapy and was then able to quit Ambien-CR. I sleep very well now!

These changes set the stage for a life transformation. I started a diet and exercise program and lost 60 lbs. I’m more energetic and feel healthier. When I feel a “mood” coming on, I can prevent getting into a funk. I have much better control over my moods. I am more focused at work. I am a teacher, and I used to lose my train of thought in class. It is much easier to stay on topic now when teaching!

Because of Neurofeedback, I expect to “age better” and enjoy life more. In short, Neurofeedback works. It is an amazing therapy!”

- Jennifer


“I had a debilitating back injury, and my mobility was severely restricted. However, within ten weeks of receiving the photobiomodulation laser light therapy, I was fully repaired and able to move and function properly. With regular follow-up treatments, I am now surpassing my previous abilities, excelling in standing, walking, and even running.”

- Jessica


“I love listening to the frequencies while doing other activities. Like sitting in the sauna, reading, doing dishes, etc.”

- Jessie


“Better sleep quality! I’ve also found support for TMJ pain, headaches, and anxiety. It’s the most powerful care package I’ve ever received. Thank you!”

- Joel


“Great experience!! They truly care about your health!! A great alternative to a mammogram!”

- Kathi


"I came to RenuYou  struggling with grief, loss, and PTSD from a recent trauma. Over the course of my treatments, I stopped having screaming nightmares, reduced the frequency and intensity of my panic attacks, lowered my heightened sensitivity to noise and startling, and increased my general sense of acceptance and well being. My strong desire to use alcohol to numb difficult feelings post-trauma also lessened, and I maintained my ten years of sobriety. I was even able to stop using medication to sleep, and I went from taking two daily anxiety medications to one.

I also have been able to travel via airplane much more comfortably, a lifelong issue.

In our later sessions, alpha-theta treatment gave me a unique sense of connectedness and peace. I strongly recommend neurofeedback to anyone dealing with anxiety, trauma, loss, or sadness."

- Katie, who is dealing with Anxiety and Trauma


"I came to RenuYou because I struggled with a lack of sleep and difficulty concentrating. I have tried sleeping pills but was left feeling groggy all day. With 23 Neurofeedback treatments, I have much better sleep and can concentrate. I now feel well-rested and less irritable. I have fewer arguments with my family. I am also getting better grades. The therapists at RenuYou were awesome."

- Larry, dealing with Insomnia and Adult ADD


“The anti-anxiety frequency is my new travel buddy! I always listen to Soaak while I'm flying. It's great that you can download the frequencies in the app.”

- Lily


“Finding RenuYou online, I brought my son Jon for focus problems. Because he couldn’t focus, he was unable to receive academic information in a classroom or one-on-one setting and be able to process and use it. Additionally, he was difficult to work with in settings requiring him to sit and pay attention - like dinner, movies, and reading time.

After doing Neurofeedback, he can focus now, is less hyper, and can sit still. We now have fewer discipline issues; he can focus better, so he can now learn, retain, and use new information. Neurofeedback has allowed him to function just like other children in the classroom. It has also made our life at home happier and less chaotic. We also did metabolic therapy, which included a Candida toxicity cleanse. It allowed Jon to progress faster with Neurofeedback. Speech therapy also progressed faster.

Because Neurofeedback Therapy has cleared up his focus problems, his school career will be less of a struggle and more fun for him. The focus issues were like static getting in the way of his personality. He is funny, a perfectionist, inquisitive, and very smart. We were not able to see these things before the “static” was removed.

The Therapists at RenuYou have become dear friends. We talk, I share, and they give great advice. We laugh, we joke. It is a wonderful place to spend time.”

- Lisa, Mother of Jon, who is dealing with ADHD

Talk Therapy

"I have suffered from Anxiety, Depression, and OCD stemming from Aspergers. These have massively compromised my ability to function, and I have not been able to hold a job or function in the classroom. Before Neurofeedback, I did Cognitive Therapy, which offered a significant improvement but not enough to function. I did Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy and Talk Therapy with little improvement. I also did Hypnosis with no noticeable improvement. I have also tried many medications with side effects and mild improvements.

I found out about Neurofeedback through a brochure at an Autism Awareness Workshop. I have now been doing Neurofeedback for two years. I have a clearer head, more energy, feel happier, have seen a significant increase in intelligence. I am more confident and capable. Now my severe depression is almost gone. My severe anxiety has been cut in half, and my OCD is about 99% better than it used to be. My learning disabilities have lessened. I have been able to go off anti-depressant medication.

When I started, I was unable at times to even walk my dog. I am now walking 4 miles a day with him. Because of Neurofeedback, I am able to do a lot more and recently started my own business. My parents appreciate my higher functioning and the additional chores that I am able to handle. I can also help my mother with her business to a much greater degree. I believe Neurofeedback will allow me to become financially independent and able to live on my own.

The therapists at RenuYou are awesome. I wish I had been born 26 years earlier so I could have received Neurofeedback Therapy when I was 5. My life would have been ten times easier."

- Meredith, who is dealing with Anxiety, Depression and OCD stemming from Aspergers


"We heard about Neurofeedback through a family member whose child has been helped at RenuYou. So, I brought my son, who suffered from a short attention span (ADHD). He was having difficulty concentrating in class, sitting still to do his homework and athletics. We tried tutoring and coping skills to deal with ADHD so he could get through his homework, but this was not enough. My son completed 20 sessions of Neurofeedback, and he was able to memorize the playbook for football for the first time in 6 years, and was also able to complete his homework on time. His letter grades improved by one whole grade! He was able to follow directions and memorize everything needed to do for football while playing offense and defense and being the team captain.

His recovery with Neurofeedback has hugely impacted our lives. We wish we had found Neurofeedback when he was younger, earlier in high school. Plus, we wish we had been able to do 40 sessions, but my son didn't have time in his schedule. But for him to go from Cs to As and Bs for the first time ever was huge! There is no more tension and arguing about completing homework and other tasks around the house.

We hope he will be more confident when he goes to college this fall.

The therapists at RenuYou are excellent. They are very knowledgeable and friendly. Do this for your kids and for the improvements you'll see in your family and children's relationship with their teachers. Kids need all the self-esteem boosters they can get, and doing well in school goes a long way."-

- Michael, Father of patient who is dealing with ADHD


"If you are looking for true early detection, thermal imaging detects changes at the cellular level, and studies suggest that this test can detect activity eight to ten years BEFORE any other test. I highly recommend Thermography as a breast cancer screening tool. This is the only test I use to monitor my breast health, and I have been going to Thermography Tulsa for years now. Laina performs the thermogram, and she is friendly, professional, and thorough. It is quick, easy, and painless, and Laina always makes me feel comfortable."

- Nancy


“I got my thermographic imaging done, and I can’t even tell you how happy I am with the entire experience! The technician was super sweet; the results came back quickly, and they even uncovered two issues that I didn’t know I had AND that a mammogram would never have detected!! Seriously, I’ll never subject these tata’s to another mammogram as long as I live. Best. Experience. Ever. Thank you for being pioneers!!!!”

- Patti


"Full body thermography was an incredibly easy and painless way to gain valuable insights into my overall health. The process was straightforward and hassle-free, and the best part was that it involved no invasive procedures or exposure to radiation. I simply stood in front of a specialized camera, and within minutes, the scan was complete. The technician was knowledgeable and made me feel at ease throughout the entire process. The detailed thermographic images provided me with a comprehensive overview of the inflammation present in my body, allowing me to make informed decisions about my health and well-being."

- Sarah


"EMDR therapy has made a positive impact on my life. It helped me address past traumas and feel more empowered. My therapist was great, and I'm grateful for the positive changes it brought."

- Scott

Brain Mapping

“I was going through a bunch of challenges and had no idea what was causing them. But thanks to brain mapping, they were able to help me discover the specific issues I was facing. It was like turning on a light bulb in a dark room! With that information, they crafted a personalized neurofeedback treatment plan just for me.”

- Stephanie


"This is an experience of healing through offering peace for the Mind, body, and soul. The sound bowls are powerful, relaxing, and beautiful. It is a portal into opening chakras that have closed in the rush of daily life. You leave energized, relaxed, and peaceful. It is as if you have learned once again to breathe."

- Stephen


“I have noticed such a huge difference since I’ve been listening to the Soaak frequencies! I can just tell my energy is better. I’m a lot happier. I’m more playful. I’m getting more done. It is amazing!”

- Taylor

Start your journey today!

Book a Free Consultation

Please call to book an appointment:

Tulsa: +1  (918) 747-7400